Past Tense
Ada dua tenses di English - past and present (masa lalu dan masa kini).
Past tense di English digunakan untuk:
Kami menggunakan formulir ini:
He worked at McDonald’s. He had worked there since July..
He was working at McDonald’s. He had been working since July.
- untuk berbicara tentang masa lalu
- berbicaratentang hipotesis - hal yang dibayangkan daripada kebenaran
- untuk kesopanan
Ada empat bentuk lampau dalam bahasa Inggris:
Tense | Form |
Past simple: | I worked |
Past continuous: | I was working |
Past perfect: | I had worked |
Past perfect continuous: | I had been working |
- untuk membicarakan masa lampau:
He was working at McDonald’s. He had been working since July.
- untuk merujuk pada sekarang atau masa depan dalam kondisi:
He could get a new job if he really tried.
If Jack was playing they would probably win.
If Jack was playing they would probably win.
and hypotheses:
It might be dangerous. Suppose they got lost.
I would always help someone who really needed help.
I would always help someone who really needed help.
and wishes:
I wish it wasn’t so cold.
- Dalam kondisi, hipotesis dan keinginan, jika kita ingin berbicara tentang masa lalu, kami selalu menggunakan past perfect:
I would have helped him if he had asked.
It was very dangerous, What if you had got lost?
I wish I hadn’t spent so much money last month.
It was very dangerous, What if you had got lost?
I wish I hadn’t spent so much money last month.
- kita bisamenggunakan bentuk masa lalu untuk berbicara ekspresi sopan:
Excuse me, I was wondering if this was the train for York.
I just hoped you would be able to help me.
I just hoped you would be able to help me.
Past Tense
Reviewed by Marcus
Maret 07, 2017
makasih bro,sangat membantu